Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Adding an Arrow to our Quiver

As best friends forever, we started together. 
As husband and wife we began a new life. 
Now two little feet and two little hands grow safely inside and we've started to plan. 
Is it a girl or is it a boy? 
We found out last week and are filled with such joy. 
Myra Katherine is her name and we look forward to God's plan.
We pray for her safety and praise His great name.
1 Samuel 1:27 summarizes it well and if you're like me, your eyes begin to swell
At the thought of His grace and the evidence of His love
That He sees our flawed hearts but still blessed us so well

Myra Katherine Severin
due to arrive Summer 2017

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Painful Comments of TTC-Trying to Conceive

My sweet husband and I have been trying for a baby for a bit and while there is always another couple who has been trying longer, the days and months bring pain to those who's hearts physically ache for children. Many of us who are struggling keep to our group and don't often shout from the mountain tops about our most intimate struggle.

This morning, while chatting with my TTC friends and a momma I've grown to adore as a friend and source of wisdom, I decided the best thing for my husband and I right now is to spend time with other people's little ones. I could see it in my husband's eyes every Sunday morning when he looked around the sanctuary at the babies. That glimmer that if given the permission to develop would quickly become a tear. But he has to be strong so a glimmer is all he allows. Until we get home and we talk about how cute that little baby was and how much we want a child of our own. We reflect on the months of hoping and waiting, only to be let down and emotionally broken. This is when the tears fall. But I knew my friend was correct, we needed baby time. We needed to be reminded of the joys of a child and enjoy the company of a human who's vocabulary is limited to "mama" and "dada".

Through an innocent social media post seeking time with friends and their little ones in exchange for free dinner, some well intention friends suggested that we have a baby of our own. This is when my day turned. In that moment I struggled with frustration, fear, anger, and sorrow. In that moment I realized that way too many people make comments that leave the recipient heartbroken. Too many times that recipient puts on a good face until they can get away and express the sadness in private. In my office, by myself I cried out to the Lord. My heart couldn't understand why some people have children so easily and make such hurtful comments. Why we were working so hard for something that seemed so easy. Then I got a private message from a friend who has been suffering in silent while so many people judged her and her husband, claiming they were putting off children. While the whole time they have been praying for a baby and it's just not been God's plans for them.

I knew it was time we become a beacon of support to those who suffer in silence and be the voice they need. 

If you could take a moment to read over my heart through text, please let it sink in. I did my best to keep a calm tone but the truth needs to be shared. Your words may have hurt many people already.

Some of these comments we have heard ourselves, others are from friends who have suffered from such carelessness. I write this for all of our fellow travelers who are afraid to share their pain.

"You need to enjoy just being married/together."
"You should be content just being married."

I love my husband and my husband loves me. If anything, this journey has drawn us closer together both in our relationship to each other as well as our walk with the God. Parenthood is a calling. It's not our source of joy, it's not something we desire because we are dissatisfied with each other. It's an desire and calling we share, one we want to seek together. It's none of your business.

"I wish I could go back and put off kids a little longer" 
"You really shouldn't even think about kids until you've been married for __ years"

Surely the Lord would not have equipped my body with the ability to carry a child if I was meant to wait until we'd been married for a set amount of time. I must have missed that part of the call to "be fruitful and multiply". This comment is probably one of the most angering I've heard and I honestly don't know how to process it, especially from a fellow Christian. What a couple does in their own bedroom is no one's business but their own. I'm further baffled that someone would encourage abstinence or birth control for the purpose of living by a timeline. What exactly are we supposed to do within these two years? Oh, and I'm sorry your children are a burden, that they stole your younger years.It's none of your business.

"You're not ready for children. You are too young."

May I direct you back to Anatomy and Lord's call to parenthood? If you are married, you can morally have children. End of story. Ask any parent if they felt "ready" when they had their children and they will say "no". Yet here we are, living and breathing and taking the plunge ourselves. Our parents must have done something right. It's none of your business.

"Why don't you have your own?"

Without being rude...don't you think they know this already? Whatever the reason is for them not having children yet, I'm pretty sure they are aware of this option. You have just reminded those who are struggling to conceive of their failure and removed yourself as a possible support in their life. It's none of your business.

What you may not know is that couple had a baby but lost it. Not everyone shares these losses but everyone remembers the children they never got to meet.

"You've only been trying for ____. You need to calm down, it'll happen when it happens."

Do you remember that feeling of meeting your significant other and thinking "I can't wait to marry the love of my life!" It's a beautiful feeling! Now what if you were stuck in that feeling and you knew who the love of your life was and you were getting ready to begin life together but for an unexplained reason, you can't move! You can't hold them, you can't kiss them, you can't even talk to them. Now imagine a parent who's heart is desiring a child, not just thinking it'd be cool to have a baby but DESIRING a child and they are doing everything "right" but for reasons they cannot explain, it's not happening. Now imagine them being told they are being ridiculous and have no foundation for their emotions. That their tears and heartache is essentially foolish. That's what your words feel like. 

Let's make this very clear, whether they're are trying for a handful of months or two handfuls of years....they're desire is no more or less. You try to take on your passion with a one shot at success per month. Only one shot. That's 12 shots per year at something that consumes your thoughts. Now lets make that a moving target. A tad frustrating and discouraging huh? This is what trying to conceive feels like. It's none of your business.

"When are you going to give your son/daughter a brother/sister????"
"You should hurry up if you want them to have a ___ year gap! I think that's the perfect time"

Let me say this now secondary fertility exists and hurts. We are not struggling through this personally but I know so many couples who are and nothing hurts more than having people stick their noses into a couple's fertility, questioning why they haven't had another kid. They probably had dreams of a specific age gap but are just not able to conceive or keep losing their babies. It's none of your business.

"Why are you putting off having kids? You won't be able to keep up once you're older"
"You're being selfish with your time, you should be raising children."

Assumptions are what bitterness is made of. I honestly don't know if I can put into words my thoughts on these comments but they are too common. I think I'll just end in...It's none of your business.

People may give a sweet "Okay" "Thanks" "We will see" or even an honest yet emotionless "We are trying" but behind those short phrases are nights of crying out to God and praying non stop for even just a glimmer of hope. 

In closing, we are called to bear one another's burdens but often times this is a chapter of life we don't openly share. For this reason I ask that you take a moment before speaking and treat every couple as though they are unable to conceive before making comments.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Carpet Powder {Penny Pinching and Toxin Reducing}

Nine months ago we were preparing the last wedding plans and welcoming family into town. Our little apartment saw so much traffic during that month, I found myself vacuuming daily. I decided to bring back the good ole memories of mom laying down carpet powder before vacuuming to bring a nice subtle aroma when people visited. As I walked down the grocery aisle, I found the price of powder to be very welcoming but the ingredients were appalling! How is that stuff even legal?! We breath in so many environmental toxins without inviting them into our home. I set the canister back on the shelf and went to buy baking soda instead. I was determined to make it myself. For the same cost as store bought but much healthier. To me, my health is my wealth, therefore I felt richer knowing our home was void of one more toxic source. 

Homemade Carpet Powder

2 cups baking soda
20 drops of essential oils (your choice of scent)

Such a simple recipe! Mix the ingredients together in a non-plastic airtight bowl and store overnight. Sprinkle on carpet and allow to sit for 15 min. Vacuum up. This deodorizes your vacuum in the process too!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Bye Bye Candles and Room Sprays {Penny Pinching and Toxin Reducing}

In our home, we love visitors and entertaining. With this passion comes house cleaning and pleasant smells. With just the two of us, it's fairly easy to maintain a clean, fresh home but sometime work requires more attention or illness prevents me from cleaning weekly. At time like these, I absolutely LOVE my diffuser and essential oils! I used to be a wax warmer/candle fan but after going through so many air filters due to soot and researching the chemicals I was also breathing in, I did away with those candles and don't miss them one bit! Plus oils last SO much longer and therefore are cheaper!!! And all the husbands said "Amen!"

I can't believe I was harming my family's health by burning through one candle per month per room!

Now, my collection of oils is ever growing and there is absolutely no way I could pick even my top 5 faves. Therefore I refuse, ha! 

I do love my diffuser so much that I am planning to get another one next month! I'll keep one in the house and one at my office! Of course my goal is eventually to have one in the living room and one in both bedrooms but we must be frugally methodical ;). 

There are times though when a diffuser is not necessary and I just want a spritz of heaven to linger for a little bit. Be it stinky shoes, stinky trash can, stinky bathroom, stinky hubby, I'm just kidding on that last one, my man always smells great. But honestly, anything you want to neutralize will be quickly squelched by Purification. 

Blend of Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree all work to combat the worst smells {and the most stubborn bugs}

Want a nice pillow spray to relax you into slumber or beautiful smells to brighten the room and refresh the furniture? Here are a few blends we love!

Stress Away + Peppermint

 Equal drops of each either diffused or made into a spray is sure to awaken and de-stress you. Perfect for the morning routine when energy is slowly building but much grace is still required

Lavender + Lemon

Equal drops of each either diffused or made into a spray will relax you and send you into a restful sleep. 

How do you turn these oils into sprays though? Sprays are nice for their portability and familiarity. It's very easy to turn oils into sprays but you have a couple options. In a 4 ounce glass spray bottle, put 6-8 drops of each oil of your choice. Try to stick to 2-3 oils as too many different scents can cause headaches for some people. Once you have the oils in your bottle, you have a choice of one of the following: pinch of fine salt or 1 tsp witch hazel. Both of these ingredients work to bring the oil and water together. You'll then fill the bottle with water. Shake before each spray. Perfect as perfumes, bathroom spray, pillow spray, clothes refreshment, fabric furniture refreshment, and much more. 

What are some of your favorite blends? 

{I am a distributor for Young Living but more importantly, I am a woman who has battled health issues for many years and has first hand experience with the wonders of nature. I stand by Young Living products because they have stood the test of time, have passed through many independent testing before sale, and I personally have seen their positive effects on my health! If you are interested in any of the products I mentioned, please contact me via email}

Monday, August 29, 2016

Lemon Garlic Dressing

It does seem that as the Summer goes on and slowly turns into Fall I am reminded of how soon we will be limited on fresh, local produce. This is often good for our diets though as it means rotation but there are a couple summer recipes I absolutely cannot live without. Lemon Garlic Dressing is definitely one of these favorites.

Now before I share this recipe, I must credit the woman who taught me how to make it. My mom and I share in our adoration for this amazing dressing recipe and while I am not sure if she "invented" the concoction, I am unsure. But seeing as she is the one to have introduced me, I credit her. Seeing as it's an addiction of mine, I blame her, ha. Let's not keep you or your salad, or your chicken, or your steak, or anything else for that matter waiting any longer. I behold...

Lemon Garlic Dressing
Great as a salad dressing, bread dipping, meat marinade, veggie dressing and much more

6 lemons, juiced
1 head of garlic, peeled
2 Tbsp Italian Herb Blend (Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Rosemary)
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The first three ingredients will go into a food processor or blender until all the garlic is well blended into the liquid. Add the oil and blend further until oil and dressing have emulsified (no longer separately distinguishable). Store this in a glass jar (we prefer a wide mouth mason jar) in the fridge up to two weeks. Shake before use. 

This dressing is packed full of Vitamin C, Antioxidants, Anti-fungals, Antibiotics, the list goes on! Perfect for those struggling with Candida or a cold.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Laundry {Penny Pinching & Toxin Reducing}

Few things make me happier than clean laundry but when it came time to find ways to save money and remove toxins, our laundry products became one of my first projects. Thankfully, many have come before me and I found a few great recipes to try. After a couple alterations, I love the end results!


For those who are not inclined to DIY but are looking to remove toxins this is a wonderful toxin-free laundry soap.
See below on how to order your laundry soap!

Laundry Soap

Now for the fun! If you have kiddos at home, they may enjoy helping too! You need to gather a few ingredients but you'll find the cost to be a small fraction of the cost of store bought products.

We are a family of two and wash roughly 3 loads of laundry a week on average. One recipe lasts us about a month to a month and a half. That being said, you will need to figure out your family's use to know how many batches to make at a time. I like to make 6 months at a time which goes through about one of each of the boxed ingredients. Six batches costs me $15...six months worth of laundry for $15 versus $22 soap monthly or bi-monthly!

1 bar of either: Zote, Felz Naptha, or Unscented Castille
1 cup baking soda
1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax

This is where the kiddos can help out! You'll need to grate the bar soap into a bowl. The finer the grate, the better. Once you it's all grated, place the baking soda in a food processor or blender then the grated soda. Turn on in spurts until the grated soap blends well into the baking soap. Transfer to a large mixing bowl and add remaining powders. Mix until well blended. Store in an airtight container. Use 1-2Tbs per load depending on laundry load size.

[For those with HE washers, we use this recipe in our front load HE washer and it works wonderfully with both warm and cold water...just be sure to alter your soap drawer for powder]

Fabric Softener

Now if you're like me and like your clothes soft to touch, you have a few options to replace toxin loaded fabric softener. The easiest and cheapest of which being white vinegar. That's right, what southerners love to use on top black eyed peas does wonderfully to clean and soften clothes. Plus the reaction between the baking soda in the laundry soap and the vinegar does wonders against stains. But don't worry, the smell will be gone well before you pull your clothes out of the dryer. Want to try it but still want your clothes scented? Wool balls with essential oils do the trick! You can find wool balls on Amazon or through your local Norwex distributor. As for essential oils, here are some of my favorites. I like to switch it up through the seasons.

Nothing says Spring quite like flowers and I absolutely love the refreshing and relaxing scent of Lavender

Aaaah, fresh fruit is my mental image of Summer. This blend brings many citrus oils together as one


Thieves brings together many holiday spices but also is great at warding off the sniffles

Nutmeg is one of the many pie making spices. 
Just the smell of it makes me think of Fall 

Winter is joyous for many but even the happiest of people can struggle through those cold, dark months once the holidays are over. This blend keeps Christmas just under your nose. Imagine it lingering on your favoring knitted sweater!

While there are many more oils that you could use on your clothing to give them a nice, toxin-free scent, my favorite part is knowing that I am saving money and protecting my family's health with every load. 

{I am a distributor for Young Living but more importantly, I am a woman who has battled health issues for many years and has first hand experience with the wonders of nature. I stand by Young Living products because they have stood the test of time, have passed through many independent testing before sale, and I personally have seen their positive effects on my health! If you are interested in any of the products I mentioned, please contact me via email}

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Turning a New Leaf || Cleaning Products

For quite a while now, I have wanted to take drastic steps toward health. Over the years, I have focused on what went into my body through diet. However, in the background, I knew that more chemicals and toxins than I could imagine were sneaking through my skin, I just couldn't afford to do anything about it and honestly didn't have the energy to figure it out. 

I went through bouts of reactions and testing hygiene and cleaning products to see what the issue was. I even went cold turkey for a few months, no makeup, no perfume, no soaps except Castile Soap, no laundry softener, super sensitive laundry soap, no deodorant, baking soda toothpaste, cleaning with baking soda and vinegar only, you name it...I was fed up! Then my curly hair was stripped of all it's oil, my skin was clear but felt so dry, and I just felt enslaved to my body! So I gave up and went back to the store bought products, beginning with the organic grocery store options and slowly working my way back to the name brands. 

Back in October, Young Living stepped into my life and I decided it was time to take charge of not only our internal health, but our external health, house and budget! Being sick and suffering was draining me and so were all the name brand cleaning, body care, perfume, hair care products! 

This month, I will begin our switch from store bought products to homemade and Young Living. I love that there is versatility and health in mind which will lead to budget awareness and overall savings. As one of our products runs low, I will replace it with a natural version...thus making it less of a shock to our current budget. It's always pricey to start something new (remember the first time you bought groceries for your own home? Mustard, mayo, pickles, bread, meat, canned goods, etc, it's all very expensive at the beginning). Thankfully with this approach, we will save in some areas and balance in others! 

Tonight I will start by making homemade laundry detergent. Instead of fabric softener, I will continue using white vinegar which has done wonders since I began using it exclusively back in October (you'd be surprised...there is absolutely no vinegar smell once the wash load is completed). 

As for house cleaning, I already use a homemade window cleaner that doubles as a counter top cleaner (recipe). In the next few weeks, I will be ordering Young Living's All Purpose Thieves Concentrated Cleaner to use for moping and toilets along with Thieves Dish Soap, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap and Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier. 

Below you will find some simple yet effective cleaning recipes that will leave your house not only spotless and smelling amazing, but it'll be a nice break for your organs to not have the detoxing load it's used to. 

One step at a time, one bite at a time, slow and steady wins the race...however you put it, give yourself time to embrace any new life style choices you may be considering. Your body and mind will thank you.